The Other side is a vast and rich environment of love, wisdom, healing and joy. It is not as far away as what it may seem. Those on the other side, our loved ones who have passed over, spirit helpers and divine beings, all desire to let us know that we are not alone. They are here to guide us, bring comfort and help us to heal and flourish.
We all have the ability to draw closer to those in the spirit realm and hear their whispers and feel their warmth and love. We will discuss the different ways that we naturally connect and communicate with the other side, often without knowing we are doing so. As we enhance and further develop our natural medium abilities, we become more adept at sending, receiving and understanding messages between the realms. In this talk you’ll also learn more about psychic protection, the different ways the other side tries to get our attention and how to discern their signs.
We are on a soul journey of growth, evolution and healing with our friends, family and other loved ones. Those on the other side have more insight and clarity as to the spiritual nature of our connection. As we become more aware and open to the shared communion that the spirit realm offers, we enter into a new realm of love, healing and possibilities.
Simple practices and exercises to open to further develop the ability to commune, heal and evolve with the spirit realm.
In this presentation you'll...