Imagine having total control over how you feel and what you want from life! We only own two things that are with us through this life. Time and energy! How do you want to spend them? We are made of energy. Even science show us at the cellular level.
In this presentation you will learn how to influence your energy through the most basic fundamental exercise you know. Your breath. You are allotted only so much energy per day. When we understand and become more conscious of ourselves through our breath, we begin to see the direct relationship our breathing has with our energy flow. Stress is a big issue when it comes to maintaining sufficient energy to get us through our day. A human that breathes better, feels better and becomes a better healer.
Dan will teach you how your breath is the cornerstone of your health. You will learn multidisciplinary breath techniques to help you manage and steer your nervous system in the direction you want it to go. You will learn to retrain the breath and use it to regain control over your health and properly align your energy to help heal yourself and help heal others. Deep breath in... Let's begin!
In this presentation you'll discover...